• Dana Robbat

    A resident of Lincoln since 1985. Her master's thesis, "Plain Living, High Thinking: The Early Modern Houses of Lincoln, Massachusetts, and the Arrival of European Modernism to New England," was submitted in 2002 to fulfill requirements for her MLA degree through the Harvard Extension School. To support preservation efforts in Lincoln, she subsequently extended this body of research to include post-war examples to be published in a forthcoming book. Previously, she was executive director of Boston By Foot, an architectural and history walking tour organization that serves the city of Boston. She is a founding member of The Friends of Modern Architecture/Lincoln, and has served as its president since 2006.

  • Ellen Meadors

    A retired engineer with an MA in physics. Her interest in conservation and preservation has led to positions on the Lincoln Board of Assessors, the Board of Trustees of the Lincoln Land Conservation Trust, the Rural Land Foundation, and FoMA. She helped develop the Town of Lincoln Geographic Information System (GIS) , which she continues to improve and maintain. Using the GIS she has developed data and made maps for many Town departments and organizations. She enjoys visiting architectural sites both locally and while travelling, and treats out-of-town guests to architectural tours of Boston and Cambridge, with the 20th and 21st century architecture at MIT being a favorite destination.

  • Dogan (Woodie) Arthur

    A practicing architect and the founding principal of D.W. Arthur Associates Architecture. He met his wife Loretta, who is also active in the practice, at Harvard University's Graduate School of Design, where both received Masters degrees in Architecture. They've been living in a 1956 modernist home in Lincoln for over a third of its life, which they carefully expanded to raise their three children. Woodie has also been active at the First Parish Church and Lincoln Nursery School. He participates in design and technical activities of FoMA.

  • Penny DeNormandie

    An interpretive exhibition designer and founding member of Main Street Design, Inc. She cites growing up on the North Shore of Chicago, amongst Frank Lloyd houses and brand new skyscrapers, as a major influence on her interest in modern architecture. She went on to study architecture and planning at the College of Environmental Design at the University of Colorado, and Communication Design at Parson's School of Design, New York. Since landing in Boston, she has continued pursuing a design career, while living with her husband Tom and raising two sons in Lincoln. She has also served on the Lincoln School Foundation and has been Clerk for the First Parish in Lincoln. She participates in design and is webmaster for FoMA.

  • Andrew Glass

    Andrew Glass is a lawyer who represents clients in the financial services industry. He has a master's degree in architecture and continues to explore how the built environment can exert a positive influence on individuals and society. Andrew is currently a member of the Lincoln Historical Commission and Historic District Commission, and has been is involved in Lincoln's school building planning efforts. He lives with his family in a Deck house neighborhood in Lincoln.

  • Sandra Grindlay

    Sandra Grindlay is an art historian who retired from the Harvard Art Museums where she was curator of the University’s portrait collection and manager of the Museums’ art loan program. She is among the authors of a two-volume catalogue of American Paintings at Harvard. Sandy and her husband Josh live in an early modern house designed by (John) Quincy Adams in 1940-41, and renovated in 2009 by local architect, and Quincy’s nephew, F. Douglas Adams. Sandy serves on the board of a first period 18th century house in Melrose, MA, and on the Lincoln Town Archives Advisory Committee. She is FoMA’s archivist and serves on its membership and oral histories committees.

  • Kim Rajdev

    Kim Rajdev stays busy as a mother to her two young daughters, and also working part-time as a tax attorney for a large public accounting firm. In 2017, Kim and her husband bought a 1950's modern home designed by Henry B. Hoover from it's original owner and underwent an extensive renovation process. Through that effort, Kim became intrigued by the intersection of modern architectural ideals, preservation, and constraints stemming from cost, energy efficiency, and building codes. Kim has served as FoMA's Clerk since 2018.

  • Judith Lawler

    Judith Lawler is retired architect, recently returned to Lincoln to live in the house designed for her family by her father the architect Lawrence Anderson. She currently is a member of the Lincoln Historical Commission and and previously was member of the Lincoln Historical Society.

  • Joe Robbat

    Joe Robbat retired in 2010 from the financial advisory firm he founded in 1979. Since moving to Lincoln with his family in 1985, Joe has served on the Town's Finance Committee, Public Safety Design and Building Committees, and Zoning Board of Appeals as well as on boards and committees of several of Lincoln not-for-profit organizations, including the First Parish Church. He lives in a 1940 Modern house designed by Lincoln architect Quincy Adams, and is quite proud of the fact that the original tar and gravel flat roof, over seventy-five years old, has no leaks. Joe is one of FoMA's founding Board Members and is chair of its Preservation Committee.

  • Matt Andersen-Miller

  • Sebastian Barreveld

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  • Alex Benik

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Jeffrey Brown

Doug Carson

Kathryn Corbin

Joel Freedman

Harry Hoover

Rick Mandelkorn

Katherine Mierzwa

Garrick Niemiec

Barbara Rhines