The FoMA Annual Award celebrates the continuing positive impact of Modern design in Lincoln, through the re-use, preservation, documentation, and creation of Modern buildings, structures, and landscapes that make a substantial contribution to the permanent built environment. The Award recognizes those building owners, design teams, and advocacy and preservation individuals and organizations that have made significant efforts to retain, restore, continue, and advocate for the aesthetic and cultural value Modern design in Lincoln.
The Award is designed to recognize the following categories:
This award category recognizes informed, thoughtful design efforts to preserve, restore, adapt, or create a Modern building, structure, landscape, or other intervention of local, regional, or national significance, securing its presence for future generations. In the Design category, the areas of consideration include: Residential, Commercial, and Institutional or Civic architecture, landscape architecture, or other public creations.
This award category recognizes efforts to preserve, or significantly retain, a Modern building, structure, or landscape of local, regional, or national significance, securing its presence for future generations. In the Preservation category, the areas of consideration include: Residential, Commercial, and Institutional or Civic architecture, landscape architecture, or other public creations.
This award category recognizes exceptional efforts to document, inventory, or create a preservation plan for one or more Modern buildings, structures, or landscapes of local, regional, or national significance. Considerations in this category include how the project contributes to the advancement of knowledge and awareness of Modern resources, and the realized and potential impacts of the project in regards to furthering the understanding and awareness of the contributions of Modern resources to history.
This award category recognizes outstanding efforts to preserve and advocate for threatened Modern buildings, structures, or landscapes of local, regional, or national significance through advocacy efforts. This award seeks to recognize individuals, preservation and advocacy organizations, and other groups who have gone above and beyond to work individually, collectively, or collaboratively to advocate for a Modern site or structure.